Hello and Welcome!

I’ve staked out this little corner of the internet as a place to share my interest in GIS, cartography, and my overall love of maps with the hope of enticing others to join the discussion as well, and with a little bit of luck, a natural community will emerge around this virtual space. Within this blog, you will find a discussion on ideas, trends, and other various topics related the GIS community. I am using this platform as a way to express my interest in maps and geospatial science, as well as collaborate and share with other like minds like you.

This blog intends to cover all things GIS. So whether you are a GIS professional, data scientist, just a general map enthusiast, or whatever your involvement or experience with maps and GIS, there will be something here for you.

Within these pages, you will find discussions and information on a wide range of topics from the projects and maps I am working on, to articles on new trends and techniques, data processing, different technologies, my unabashed love of maps, or any other random things I generally find interesting around the internet.

So welcome to Carterography!

My name is Carter, and I live in Annapolis, MD with my wife and two kids. I received my undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of Maryland (GO TERPS!) and have been working in the GIS field for around five years—but I have loved maps since I was a kid. I was not always drawn to geography. Don’t get me wrong, it has always been an interest of mine, but I was never really aware that it could be a career path until I took a few courses and I realized that it was the foundation of everything. From the rise and fall of civilizations to the where to build the next Starbucks; location matters and influences everything about our society (even more than you realize).

So if you are a GIS professional, or just have an interest in maps, you’ve come to the right place. Join the RSS feed and follow me on Twitter and LinkedIn, and keep coming back to Carterography for new posts.

Thanks for stopping by and enjoy the site!