So Here We Are…

So here we are.

I say we because if these words are too mean anything, somebody or something must read them. I say here because if you are reading this, you must exist somewhere in space, right? You do, don’t you? Exist, I mean. It would be weird if you didn’t. I say here because exactly wherever here is--means a lot. Everywhere is different, and these differences influence our physical, social, political, economic, and technological world.

Geography is the study of the Earth. But not in the physical “what is it made of, and how does it work?” sense. It is the study of how the Earth influences everything. But most importantly, how where you are located on the Earth is the one thing that affects everything above all else. Tobler’s First Law of Geography says that “everything is related to everything else, but near things are more related than distant things.” Seems simple enough—but it’s not always so obvious.

So this is the first post of hopefully many. And since I am looking to start pursuing cartography and GIS as a hobby—the more creative and exciting parts anyway—I will use this blog to try and keep myself honest.

So here we are, and here we go. Things are pretty bare bones at the moment, but keep an eye on this space. I’ll be back with a more in-depth update soon.

Stay tuned!